TOP Halesowen cop Sergeant Martin Hall will be fielding questions from the public during a webchat this evening (Monday).

Sergeant Hall, who is responsible for the Halesowen South and Halesowen North neighbourhood teams, wants residents and businesses to ask him questions and issues during the webchat at 6pm.

This will be the first neighbourhood policing webchat after previous chats with inspectors including Stourbirdge Inspector Des Lambert.

Sgt Hall said: "There have so far been three web chats that have already taken place and all of them were successful.

"This will, however be the first dedicated neighbourhood 'chat' so I really hope local residents and business get on board and log on to ask there question.

"I will be interested to see how many people get online compared to how many people come out to our monthly PACT meetings."

To join in the webchat visit between 6pm and 7:30pm and click the 'play' button.