The new chairman, Sheila Hughes welcomed members to the April meeting and mentioned that Dorothy Tomlinson would again be hostess.

In the secretary's absence Edna Biggs will be acting secretary and read the minutes of the AGM. It was agreed that the Macmillan walk would take place on July 9 round the Woodgate Valley, names next month. Help was requested with refreshments today and Dorothy Taylor and Dorothy Tomlinson volunteered.

Members were requested to stack their chairs at the end of meetings.

New members who joined in 2007-2008 would only pay an affiliation fee and there would be a prize for the guild with the most new members this year. The treasurer gave the financial reports. In the Federation report it was stated that two guilds Amblecote and Kidderminster had closed and Sedgley was not remaining in the Federation, leaving 20 guilds only.

The annual Federation luncheon would be held on July 30 at a cost of £22 and the carol service at St Thomas' Stourbridge on December 8. Joyce Connor asked for gardening products at the May meeting.

Discussion took place on a suggested outing to Bridgnorth or Stratford.

Speaker for the meeting, Maggie Thompson, talked about Leap Over 60' and Help the Aged exercise classes available in the area. Members present took part in various exercises.

Edna Cosnett gave the vote of thanks stating she already attended a Leap Over class at the Baptist Church.