The chairman, Janet Majunder, opened the meeting giving a warm welcome to everyone including the visitor.

The minutes were read by Dilys Fisher, the secretary and details were given regarding the Luncheon Group.

Betty Kain gave the treasurer's report and also said she had taken a plant on behalf of the guild to Hazel Jones who had recently had an operation, but was progressing well.

The various section reports were given and the Arts and Crafts had very much enjoyed their meal out the previous week, to celebrate the Easter break. Margaret Bentley gave members the final details of the coming visit to Stratford Upon Avon on Tuesday April 24.

Brian Boyce entertained the guild with Poems and Stories from the Black Country and was thanked by the chairman. Tea and biscuits were served.

The next meeting on Tuesday May 15 will be a celebration of the Halesowen Guild's 77th birthday.

The Lapal guild choir have been invited to join us, so an afternoon to look forward to.

The meeting will begin at the usual time of 2pm in the Green Room, Cornbow Hall, Halesowen.