Halesowen College has announced the appointment of its new Principal – with a mission to get the college ‘the recognition it deserves.’

Andy Dobson, currently the head of Kidderminster College, takes up his role as Principal and Chief Executive next Wednesday (January 6).

He takes over from Interim Principal Joanne Williams who stepped in after David Williams left to become Principal at Herefordshire, Ludlow & North Shropshire College.

Mr Dobson lives in Halesowen and started his academic career at the college nearly 31 years ago to the day as a modern languages lecturer.

He stayed there for 13 years in a range of different roles and has been Principal at Kidderminster College for the last ten years.

“I am very much looking forward to coming back to Halesowen,” he said. “The College has fantastic facilities and dedicated staff.

“One of my main aims will be to get the College the recognition it deserves, and really establish its reputation as the first choice college for students, parents, businesses and the local community.”

One of the key challenges for the new year will be the on-going coronavirus pandemic.

“We want to make sure all of our students have the best possible experience and make the best possible progress through this year.”

In his free time he enjoys tennis, cycling, cooking and baking.