A PETITION calling for action to stop car cruising in Halesowen has attracted more than 500 signatures from residents worried someone could be killed.

The petition states that boy racers tearing up and down the A456 Manor Way into the early hours are "making life in Halesowen miserable" with the noise disturbing people's sleep and calls for cameras and speed controls.

It has been signed by more than 500 people and is being backed by Halesowen and Rowley Regis MP James Morris who is set to meet with police and council officers to relay concerns. 

The petition, on change.org states: "Car cruising on the A456 Manor Way was always a summer problem, but now it’s winter too, and we are hearing cars and motorbikes racing till 2am in the morning every weekend."

It goes on: "The neighbourhood are phoning the police every weekend and it’s making life in Halesowen miserable because there are not any cameras or speed control in place.

"Can the councillors and MP please support some traffic control to get this under control."

James Morris MP said: “Last Friday I met with local residents and councillors from Halesowen South online to hear about the problems this is causing, not just for them but for pedestrians and other road users too.

"I would urge everyone to sign this petition, and I will be meeting with local police and council officers next week to convey these concerns and encourage swift action to be taken.”

One person who signed the petition states: "It's against the law. Stop this now or are we waiting for a fatality before action is taken.

"I live in Manor Way, every weekend the dual carriageway turns into a racetrack, the noise at night is horrendous.

Another states: "I live about 1/2 a mile from Manor Way but regularly hear the cars racing along it. It has to be stopped before someone gets killed."

Halesowen North councillor Hilary Bills has signed the petition stating: "Totally agree with this. You can hear the racing around Halesowen North and South, night after night.

"We need action."

Dudley Council has been contacted for comment.