A HUGE Halesowen building will be demolished after planners gave the application to flatten it the go-ahead despite complaints from neighbours.

The former House and Haven showroom on the corner of Mucklow Hill and Long Lane will be demolished by developer JLE Ventures.

It is set to start work to flatten the distinctive building in October.

The firm is set to lodge an application with the council to build an Asda and a drive-thru Starbucks in its place.

More than 25 letters of objection were submitted to the demolition from residents of Long Lane, Mucklow Hill, Greenhill Road and Halesowen Road, with concerns centring around the loss of a landmark building, the building being in a good state of repair and having only been empty for a short time. 

Residents also raised worries over hoarding being an eyesore, noise disturbance and the site being used by travellers.

A report by council officers states: "A number of neighbour objections have been raised regarding the loss of the existing buildings and it is recognised that the premises is recorded on the Historic Environment Record.

"However, there is nothing to suggest from the historic environment records or from a desk top study that the buildings have significant historic environment value that would be sufficient to justify the serving of an Article 4 direction to prevent their demolition.

"Therefore, there are no available material grounds to resist the demolition of these buildings."

It states the site will be fenced off by wooden hoarding with steel mesh gates and that "intensive ground investigations" will "take place in preparation for the redevelopment of the site."

Objections have also been received by the council to plans for an Asda and Starbucks, which were shared on social media by councillor Stuart Henley.

Concerns include antisocial behaviour, hours of opening/operation, impact on trade locally, exacerbating existing traffic congestion, pedestrian safety as a result of the nearby school and there being an Asda and Starbucks nearby.

JLE Ventures has not responded to a request to comment.