DURING my 14 years as an MP, crime and anti-social behaviour issues have been one of the most recurrent from constituents.

Everyone has the right to live, work and go about their business free from harm or harassment, and whilst our area is a great place it is not always possible to escape from those who seek to intimidate or threaten the peace.

The sight of Police Officers and the knowledge of a Police base nearby is the best way of providing reassurance.

Unfortunately Halesowen Police Station has been repeatedly threatened with closure over the last few years, and I have worked hard to fight against it.

When proposals were set out in 2021 to merge the station into a new super-station in Dudley, I launched a petition which was signed by over 600 residents, and then handed it in to the West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner.

Of course, the result of the recent election for our PCC in the West Midlands did not go the way I hoped, and whilst I congratulate Simon Foster on being re-elected, I will continue to keep up the pressure to maintain a physical Police presence in Halesowen.

Since 2019 an extra 20,000 officers have been recruited across England and Wales, and I’ll fight to ensure that our area has its fair share.

Car cruising along the A456 has also been a persistent issue, causing misery for those who live nearby.

Over the last few years, I have brought residents, Councillors and Police Officers together, as well as supporting the four Black Country Councils in their work to secure High Court injunctions against street racing.

I have also met with the Policing Minister to highlight the need for a specific law to tackle this issue, given that repeatedly having to secure injunctions can be expensive.

I will continue working to ensure that residents and businesses feel safe, ensure that their concerns are listened to and fight for action when lives and livelihoods are caused misery.