A RECRUITMENT day for volunteers will be held at Russells Hall Hospital in Dudley for anyone interested in volunteering in health and care.

The event, on Monday June 3, is taking place during Volunteers’ Week which celebrates volunteers and their contributions.

Volunteers and members of the trust’s patient experience team will be at the health hub, in the main reception of the hospital, between 9am and 4pm, and will be talking to people about what is involved with volunteering at the trust.

Diane Wake, chief executive at the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are so grateful to all of our volunteers who give up their time to support the NHS.”

Volunteers provide support with a range of tasks including preparation of drinks and breakfast on wards, helping patients and visitors find where to go, taking specimens to laboratories and admin and clerical support.

Jill Faulkner, head of patient experience, said: “Our caring and compassionate volunteers help us to provide a good experience to our patients and visitors. The help they give every day is very important and we would love for more friendly and confident people to sign up to join the trust’s volunteering programme.”

There are currently around 300 people signed up to volunteer at the trust.

The minimum age for volunteering is 16 and there is no upper age limit.

Application forms will be available on the day for those interested, or more information can also be found online at dgft.nhs.uk