PLANS to demolish an "eyesore" Halesowen house and build eight apartments in its place have been deemed "garden grabbing" and thrown out.

The application to flatten the derelict house at 85 Nimmings Road and build a block of one-bedroom flats has been turned down by Dudley Council.

The land forms part of the former Cakemore Farm.

Planners refused the application, despite two letters of support, stating: "The proposed development within the existing residential curtilage would create an overly intensive and contrived form of ‘garden grabbing’ that would undermine the character and distinctiveness of the established street scene.

Halesowen News: How the apartments would have looked How the apartments would have looked (Image: Tailored Designs Architectural Services)

"The development would create an excessively large, cramped and contrived form of development that would be contrary to the established density of the setting, undermining the established character and distinctiveness of the residential area."

They added that: "The proposal would fail to provide suitable protection for the amenities of future occupiers and to highway safety."

Three responses were submitted from neighbours.

One objected to the proposal on the grounds of loss of street parking and loss of privacy.

Two were letters of support which said the scheme would improve the appearance of the area.

One said: "I think it is an amazing idea, it looks a complete mess now and would be interested in buying one for my eldest child."

Another said: "It removes an ugly derelict eyesore and provides high quality, energy efficient accommodation which is sadly lacking in the locality."

Halesowen News: The proposed layout The proposed layout (Image: Tailored Designs Architectural Services)

A report by planners states that mature trees have already been removed from the site.

Designs show ten parking spaces, which planners said were not big enough. They said they had asked for a revised parking layout, but that this had not been provided.

A previous application to demolish the property and build five homes on the site was turned down after planners said it was "inappropriate development on residential garden land, poor design" and on highways grounds.

The application, in the Halesowen North ward, was turned down on May 30.