THE RIDER of motorbike which was followed from Quinton to Halesowen by police was arrested after trying to threaten police with a hammer.

He was arrested for multiple offences, including going equipped to steal, possession of a knife and suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle.

Special police officers spotted the motorbike in Quinton as it didn't have a number plate and the rider and pillion were not wearing helmets.

(Image: WMP Traffic)

They had items including a knife, hood, hammer and screwdriver.

Traffic WMP tweeted: "We followed it to Halesowen and blocked the bike in.

"The rider and pillion then tried their luck on foot.

(Image: WMP Traffic)

"After a short foot chase, the rider tried pulling a hammer out on officers but was swiftly detained.

"He was arrested for multiple offences, including going equipped to steal, possession of a bladed article (knife) and suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle."