HALESOWEN candidates standing in the upcoming general election have shared their list of priorities if they were to become MP.

Residents will take to the polls across the country on Thursday, July 4, to vote for the next MP to represent them.

Candidates have spoken about their ambitions and goals as they battle to win votes from constituents.

This is what each candidate will prioritise if elected in their own words.

James Morris James Morris (Image: Handout)

James Morris - Conservative Party

Since I was first elected in 2010 I have been focussed on making our area an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

I have been a practical, hands-on local MP - taking action to protect the greenbelt and our local countryside, boosting jobs and skills through my annual jobs fairs, working with the local community to combat anti-social behaviour and fighting to keep Halesowen police station open.

I have worked to improve local mental health services and to support the many voluntary groups that do so much to support our community. After 14 years I have the experience and passion to build on this record of practical action.

There is still much to do.

We need to be ever vigilant to threats to our countryside from development; we need to push through with investments in our towns including the skills hub planned for Cradley Heath, and we need to continue the vital work of promoting good, well paid jobs and apprenticeships for people across Halesowen, Cradley,Wollescote, Quarry Bank, Dudley Wood, Cradley Heath and Old Hill.

I have the experience, track record and drive to continue to deliver for local people and stand up for Halesowen in Parliament.

Alex BallingerAlex Ballinger (Image: Handout)

Alex Ballinger - Labour

As a former Royal Marine, I know the value of service and before I ask you to put your trust in me on Polling Day let me tell you a little about myself.

I served two tours in Afghanistan with the Royal Marines, rising to the rank of Captain. I then worked in the Middle East as an aid worker and diplomat before running a grassroots mental health charity that helps people across the West Midlands.

I live in Halesowen and so many of the people I meet here are desperate for change. They tell me how hard it is to make ends meet, their worries about the NHS and the future their children and grandchildren will have.

They're disgusted too - as I am - at a Prime Minister who doesn't value our D-Day sacrifice or the hard work of working families.

I want to be part of a Labour government that makes our streets safer, puts more money in your pocket and lifts the NHS back on its feet.

I’m putting my record of service in front of you to earn your trust. If you grant me that trust I will be powerful voice for Halesowen in Westminster.

Ryan Priest Ryan Priest (Image: Handout)

Ryan Priest - Liberal Democrats

I grew up here, I went to school here, I still live in the constituency and I'm proud to serve as a councillor here too.

Halesowen is a fantastic place, there's a real community spirit and civic pride in our area.

But under this disastrous Conservative Government, people in our town are struggling. It's too difficult to get a GP appointment, anti-social behaviour goes unpunished, mortgages and food bills are sky-high, Severn Trent continues to pump raw sewage into the Stour.

We can't let the Conservatives get away with this.

The Liberal Democrats have a bold plan.

8,000 new GPs, massive investment in front-line community policing, we'll go after water companies dumping waste in our rivers and we'll scrap the cruel two-child benefit cap, a Conservative policy that Labour backs.

Not a penny will be taken from families who are already struggling to make ends meet - instead, we will demand the big banks and tech giants pay a little bit more so that we can properly fund our public services.

The two old parties have had their chance. They failed.

As a lifelong Halesowen resident, in this election, it's me and the Liberal Democrats who are the local choice.

(Image: Handout) Emma Bullard

Emma Bullard - Green Party

I have stood in four previous General Elections as well as at local elections and have been a Green Party supporter and campaigner for almost 40 years.

I work part time as a Bikeability instructor in primary schools. In recent years I have also worked for Shrewsbury Food Hub, an award-winning project rescuing surplus food; and for Age UK.

In my spare time, as well as Green Party campaigns I am involved with local groups including a community gardening project, and cycling events.

Emma said: “I’m really pleased that everyone in Halesowen will have the chance to vote Green this time.

"We need more Green MPs in Parliament putting pressure on the big parties to invest in the NHS, social care, public transport and other public services. "We’d pay for this by a wealth tax on billionaires.

"We’d also take the water companies, rail companies and the big 5 energy companies back into public ownership, so that these essentials of life are managed for the benefit of us all and not to create even more wealth for shareholders.

"Vote Green on 4th July for real hope and real change”.

Jonathan OaktonJonathan Oakton (Image: Handout)

Jonathan Oakton - Reform

The UniParty of Westminster with Two interchangeable Leaders and interchangeable MPs has just come to an inevitable end.

People are now demanding action and not words.

Clearly the Uniparty has no new thinking and no new ideas about how to improve the lives of British People and our system of Care.

They promise "More of your money, not theirs" for all our favourite institutions but when we have to call on them Halesowen people are at the back of the queue whether that is for Homes, Medical Care, Care for the Elderly, Hospital appointments , Dental Care, Road maintenance, Safety and Security from an overstretched fine blue line of Policemen.

Successive governments have pared away support until very little remains whilst imposing aggressive Tax demands on British Workers now higher than 1947 when we were paying for War.

Yet this Government pays China £Millions in Foreign Aid to finance their trips to the Moon while British voters line up at Food Banks.

Reform UK recognise our plight.

We will start to reinvigorate the economy by keeping more money in your Pay packet by not taking Income Tax before earning £20.001 per year and £25,001 for couples with young pre school children where a partner stays at home.  

Reduce VAT to 18% . . Scrap Net Zero and save £30 Billion in the public sector alone.