Fly tippers have been issued a stern warning by authorities, who have been issuing four-figure fines for the offence.

This follows Dudley Council catching and fining two individuals £1,000 each in one week for offences in the Shell Corner area of Halesowen.

CCTV enabled the officers to identify and prosecute the culprits for dumping domestic waste and sacks of business paperwork.

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Though unrelated, the two incidents were reported by residents of the area, prompting immediate action from the council.

Councillor Damian Corfield, a cabinet member for highways and the environment, said: "Cleaning up fly tipped mess costs the taxpayer a considerable amount of money, but we have shown time and time again that we will not hesitate to act against people who selfishly blight our streets with their rubbish.

“I am pleased these two individuals have realised the consequences of their actions, and I would like to thank the residents who reported these shocking incidents to us.”

Residents who have witnessed similar acts of fly-tipping can report these to the council online.

Further information about the council's fly-tipping enforcement is available on its website (