DIVERS and a specialist submersible drone team from Lancashire are continuing to search for a 15-year-old boy who went missing in Netherton Reservoir yesterday.

This morning (Wednesday July 24), police divers continue the search in Lodge Farm Reservoir, Highbridge Road. 

As of 8am the fire service shared the "heartbreaking" news that the boy had still not been found.

The teenager went missing at around 6.16pm yesterday.

A specialist submersible drone team has been brought in from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service and there is also an aerial drone and a locally-based dive team helping in efforts to find the 15-year-old boy.

Area Manager Marc Hudson of West Midlands Fire Service said: “This is heartbreaking for the family and friends of the missing boy.

"They, and the local community, are in our thoughts and prayers.

“In spite of the extensive multi-agency search, which continued into the night, as of 8am Wednesday morning the boy had yet to be found.

"We have been using all of the available resources at our disposal, including a specialist submersible drone from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service.

“Whatever the circumstances surrounding the boy’s disappearance, this incident is a stark reminder of the dangers of open water – especially as the summer holidays get underway.

“We are asking everyone to take extra care near reservoirs, lakes, rivers and canals.

"Although the water might appear tempting and safe, it can be extremely cold.

"The currents are often too strong for even the best swimmers, and there can be hidden objects and dangers below the surface.

“We continue to support the ongoing search, but are urging everyone to know the dangers of open water and not to enter it."