PLANS to convert a Halesowen house into flats have been thrown out after scores of objections from neighbours.

The application to convert 87, Narrow Lane into two flats was refused by planners on the grounds of inadequate off-road parking and the "small floor area and contrived layout" of the proposed flats.

Eighteen letters of objection had been received including one from councillor Hilary Bills with concerns centring around highways safety and parking problems, with residents already complaining about parking issues caused by hundreds of worshippers attending the Ethiopian Church on the road.

Other concerns included loss of privacy and that the property would be a HMO and cause noise and disturbance.

Plans showed two bedrooms, a bathroom, lounge and kitchen on the ground floor and a kitchen/lounge, bedroom and bathroom on the first floor.

At the moment the house is a semi-detached three-bedroom home.

Councillor Hilary Bills objected stating: "Making it into an HMO I believe will increase the number of vehicles that will require parking in this already crowded part of Narrow Lane."

Another objection stated: "The proposed development would be completely out of character for the surrounding area and not be in keeping with existing houses.

"The house is on a very busy junction of Masters Lane/Narrow Lane.

"Having additional vehicles there could cause further disruption to the area when it is already heavily congested on certain days."

Another said: "There is no need to lose a family home."

One objection stated: "The junction of Masters Lane and Narrow Lane is a very bad junction without the house being turned into flats with the extra parking of vehicles.

"It's bad enough with the Ethiopian church and the disruption that church attendees cause."

The house is on a busy junction opposite the Ethiopian Church The house is on a busy junction opposite the Ethiopian Church (Image: Google)

The application, in the Halesowen North ward, was lodged with Dudley Council on July 10.

It was refused permission on September 4.