A BID to convert Halesowen offices into an off-licence with flats above has been given the go-ahead, despite objections.

Universal Pub Group has been granted permission to open an off-licence on the ground floor of the existing Universal Beers warehouse and offices on New John Street, with a two-bedroom flat above.

Plans for a four-bedroom HMO on the first floor were dropped after objections from neighbours, local councillors Parmjit Sahota and Hilary Bills and West Midlands Police, concerned about a lack of security and possible increase in crime.

One neighbour said: "We are particularly concerned about the impact of an HMO on this road and in this part of the ward.

"These concerns are made worse by the increased opportunity to purchase alcohol in the same building as the HMO."

Other complaints centred around an increase in parking, anti-social behaviour and deliveries.

Another neighbour said: "An off-licence means longer opening hours, increase in traffic, parking, gangs and youths hanging around, litter, noise and nuisance.

They added: "The property is already Universal Beers with lorries coming and going all day and the noise of unloading the beer barrels."

But council planners said that "the revised scheme exceeds maximum parking requirements and HGV deliveries are to be maintained as existing."

They added: "As a result of the amendments that have been provided through the progression of the application to change the upper floor accommodation from a HMO to a 2 bed 3 person dwelling, the form of residential accommodation would be supported in this predominantly residential area that comprises largely of family dwellings.

"The proposed change of use is considered acceptable within this established commercial premises."

The shop can open from 8am till 10pm on any day.

The warehouse can operate from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday, from 10am till 6pm on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays or public holidays.

The change of use application, which includes a new access ramp and steps at the front of the building, was approved on September 27.