A MOVE to demolish a garage and ‘shoehorn’ in new flats has been rejected for a second time by planners. 

Sandwell Council blocked a move by Manminder Singh to demolish a side garage in Brookfields Road, Oldbury, and build three new flats saying the new building was too big.

The decision was referred to the government’s planning inspectors who refused the appeal and agreed with Sandwell Council saying it would be out of character for the street. 

The move, which included a new two-storey home containing one one-bed and two two-bed flats, was rejected in March by Sandwell Council with the authority’s planning officers calling the move a “classic overdeveloped proposal.” 

The government planning inspector agreed with the council saying: “The design and layout of the appeal scheme would result in a visibly cramped and incongruous form of development, at odds with the prevailing character and appearance of the area.”

Sandwell planners also said the application was “at odds” with what was already there and showed “no regard” other than gain when they rejected the application earlier this year.

“They have shoehorned a building on a plot in which it was not designed for,” a planning report outlining the decision said.

“New development must complement the existing context and generally aim to ‘fit in’ and not ‘stand out’ unless clear justification can be demonstrated. 

“There appears to be no regard to this in this proposal other than plot maximisation and gain. The character of the existing plot structure and existing street scene will be eroded significantly.”

Other planning officers said: “The proposal in my view is a cramped form of development; shoe-horned into small area that provides parking for the existing property. 

“Brookfields Road is characterised by mainly semi-detached family housing and flats in this location are considered to be out of keeping.”