The first meeting of the New Year was held on Monday January 4 and the speaker was Brian Draper who gave a talk entitled “Where to watch wildlife along the River Severn”. Brian Draper is well known for his knowledge of wildlife and has for many years acted as guide to visitors on his coach trip tours all along the River Severn. His talk described the types of wildlife to be found at selected places along the Severn commencing with the source of the river at Plynlimon where bird species short eared owl, merlin, peregrine falcon and red kite have been seen and red grouse, teal and golden plover breed. White heather is the dominant plant and dragonfly species and the common lizard are also known to live in this area. At each location reference was made to parking and disabled access with the talk ending at the last location being Slimbridge Wildfowl Reserve. Many types of animals, plants and insects were illustrated and Mr Draper was thanked for his most interesting talk. A comprehensive leaflet is available for members.

Our next meeting will be the Club Annual General Meeting on Monday Februay 1 in the Shenstone Theatre at 7.30pm. Visitors are most welcome to attend any of our meetings, although only members will be eligible to vote at the AGM. Membership subscriptions (£6.50) are now due.

For further information on our meetings visit and follow the link to Halesowen Gardeners Club.