While you might be looking forward to the warmer weather this summer, along with the new season comes some common pests.

You might start to see the likes of rats, mosquitos and ants in your garden or when you’re out and about in the fresh air.

There are seven in particular that you should look out for this summer, according to pest control expert Joshua Houston at Household Quotes – let’s take a look.

Halesowen News: Mosquitos will be present in the UK this summerMosquitos will be present in the UK this summer (Image: Getty)

7 pests you should look out for this summer


Joshua Houston at Household Quotes explains that while you probably won’t notice mosquitos flying about, you will notice when you wake up with bites.

During the summer, these pests increase in volume and bites are small raised red bumps on your skin.

Diseases can be spread by mosquitoes as they are vectors which means they carry diseases, including Chikungunya, Dengue, West Nile virus and Malaria, between animals and humans.

They are most commonly found around places that contain water such as lakes, ponds, marshes, pools and birdbaths.


Rats can live in a variety of places, including wall cavities, roof spaces and under floorboards so can become a real nuisance if not addressed. 

You might also find them in your garden such as under your shed or grass banks in burrows they have created.

If you’re wondering if you have rats in or around your property, look out for rat droppings as this will tell you they’ve been in the area.

However, if no droppings can be found, listen out for movement inside your walls and roof.

Rats often carry bacteria that can make a human seriously unwell if ingested, Joshua explains.

As rats like to eat your food, there is a strong possibility that if you don’t deal with the infestation immediately then they could gain access to your food storage areas.

How to get rid of these common garden pests


Seagulls are hard to miss with their relatively large size, orange feet and loud squawking calls.

As you probably know, seagulls have no problem stealing food out of your hand or lap when enjoying it by the seaside.

Joshua says this is what makes them one of the most hated birds amongst the general public.

They aren’t only found by the coast though as they’ll travel anywhere that a large amount of food is dropped regularly.

This can be schools, country parks or theme parks due to the large gathering of people and therefore a significant amount of potential food. 


During the summer months, ant nests are a common site in UK homes as the pests like to settle in the cracks and crevices around the house.

Joshua says they should be one of the easier pests to spot as although they’re small, they like to travel in big numbers – you can usually see a trail or cluster of them.

Despite being one of the less harmful pests to humans, you will still want to remove them from your home as bites can be irritating and due to the vast amount of them, they can get anywhere and everywhere. 

Halesowen News: Ants like to settle in the cracks and crevices around the houseAnts like to settle in the cracks and crevices around the house (Image: Getty)


Unlike bees, wasps don’t die after they sting so they are more aggressive to humans.

You’ll normally find wasp nests in sheds, garages, bird boxes, wall cavities and roof spaces and they can become very dangerous if disturbed.

When it comes to the removal of wasp nests, it’s always best to call in the professionals as they will have the protective equipment to make sure the job is done as safely and ethically as possible.

Doing it yourself without proper safety protections could seriously injure you or make the problem worse.

House flies

These are a more common pest in your home and they gain access from open windows and can be difficult to get out.

Since they don’t sting or bite, people can be tempted to leave them in their house however, house flies can carry dangerous diseases like E. coli, typhoid fever and salmonella which can result in vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea.

If you’re unsure whether you’ve got house flies in your home, listen out for a light buzz sound or keep your eyes peeled as they tend to make themselves known.


Mice like to settle in places where there aren’t many people around, for example, your loft, garage, voids and crawl spaces.

They live in burrows and venture out to look for food that they can bring back. This becomes a real problem for the homeowner as mice might nibble on any food they have that isn’t secure.

Due to mice potentially carrying bacterial and viral infections this can be a real danger for people living in the home.

Look for droppings as well as bite marks on furniture and different items to identify whether mice are in your home.

To avoid attracting mice, seal all entry points to your home so that there’s no chance of entry.

Recommended reading:

Mice only need a space the size of a diameter of a pencil to enter your home.

Joshua Houston, Pest Control expert at Household Quotes, said: “After a long wet Winter season, the UK is due to a sustained period of warm weather. We all want to finish work and relax in our outdoor space facing the sunshine. However, a hindrance to this are those irritating pests.

“You must keep on your toes to ensure your home is clear of any potential pests. They can be dangerous to yourself and your family, so use these tips to identify if you have a pest problem and what the pest is.”